Thursday, February 05, 2015


Following the news of V15's interference in Israeli elections, hundreds of Israelis are now reacting by filing complaints with the IRS:
The Likud Party is confronting the multimillion dollar anti-Netanyahu campaign waged by the organization "Victory 15" by instructing citizens on how to file tax complaints against the group they say is funding the campaign -- OneVoice.

The Likud youth activists posted on their Facebook page instructions on how to file a complaint with the IRS against OneVoice, whose activity, they assert, is in violation with U.S. tax law. They called on citizens who care about the elections to "follow the directions and file a complaint that could lead to an investigation into the NGO in the U.S."

This week, Israel Hayom revealed that the American nongovernmental organization signed a document affirming that it was not engaged in any political activity in favor or against any candidate for public office. The V15 campaign, meanwhile, is very clearly campaigning against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, trying to convince Israeli voters not to vote for his party, Likud.

According to early assessments, hundreds of Internet users have already filled out the IRS complaint form, as they were urged to do by the Likud activists. The Facebook page, titled "Only Bibi" (a reference to Netanyahu's nickname), includes a link to the form and detailed instructions on how to fill it and where to send it.

The IRS has imposed heavy fines and even jail sentences on many U.S. organizations caught illicitly engaging in political activity both domestically and abroad.
And there we have it, V15/OneVoice's activities backfired. They'd do well to cease all further campaigning against Netanyahu because by now, everyone's aware of their presence.

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