Thursday, February 19, 2015


Norquist's ties to Islamofascists have risen up as a subject for debate once again, and he's trying to defend himself by calling Frank Gaffney a nutcase:
Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) president Grover Norquist has written a letter to several members of the NRA’s board of directors fervently denying allegations of his ties to Muslim Brotherhood leaders as “conspiracies.”

Norquist is currently facing re-election for his position on the NRA’s board of directors, all while these accusations against him have come under renewed attention—and could dominate discussion of his NRA role in the coming weeks.

In the letter obtained by Breitbart News, Norquist accuses Center for Security Policy (CSP) president Frank Gaffney, a former official in Ronald Reagan’s Pentagon, of being a “stalker” he has had to endure for over a decade. Norquist’s letter comes as journalist and blogger Lee Stranahan—formerly of Breitbart News, now an independent journalist working for the new media product “Brought To Light”—alleged deeper ties between Norquist and radical Muslims. [...]

Norquist accused Gaffney of being someone who “spins conspiracy theories” that he is gay, a Muslim or “responsible for the Bush foreign policy failures.”

“For the record, No. No. and No,” Norquist wrote. “One of his staffers told me I was part of the Russian Jewish Mafia. (Also no, but I think that would pay better.)”
Man, he sure is resorting to liberal-style talking points, and very desperately at that. Norquist's accusations against Gaffney are not only cartoonish, they reveal he sides with a prior president who actually showed a lot of weakness with encroaching sharia back on the home turf.
“We reveal that powerful Republican insider Grover Norquist has close, previously unreported, ties to Palestinian anti-Israel activists,” Stranahan says to open the broadcast. “We’ll show you that Norquist has professional and family connections that stretch back decades that have been unknown until now because Norquist himself appears to have kept them quiet.”

Stranahan walked listeners through what had previously been reported about Norquist’s ties to Islamists and how he founded the Islamic Free Market Institute—Islamic Institute for short—with Khaled Saffuri. “But, Brought To Light can now reveal there is another co-founder of the Islamic Institute, one who has never been reported on before, a man named Majed Tomeh,” Stranahan said.
Continue reading more at the link. Men like Norquist are not qualified to work in the NRA with his shady connections, and he should be expelled from their board. Concerned members of the NRA should also lobby the board to remove him from their staff.

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