Sunday, February 01, 2015


There's been some allegedly non-profit organizations in the past few weeks turning up whose goal seems to only be the deposing of Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister:
Amid the ongoing campaigning ahead of the March 17 national elections, in recent weeks several non-profit organizations have launched various campaigns explicitly aimed at unseating incumbent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and bringing about an electoral victory for the Left.

With a massive scope of activities, the funding for these campaigns is also substantial. These are not a group of amateur left-wing activists with a Facebook page and some viral videos. These groups are running organized headquarters with dozens of paid staff, hundreds of volunteers and an estimated bankroll of tens of millions of shekels.

One of these groups is named V15 -- Victory 2015. Over the weekend, the Likud Party filed a petition with the Central Elections Committee seeking an injunction against this group. V15 began making headlines last week when it emerged that it hired the same campaign advisers as U.S. President Barack Obama. But V15 is certainly not alone -- there are a large number of non-profits and organizations with a similar objective – to end Netanyahu's leadership -- working alongside them.

V15's website reveals the scope of its activities: On Friday, dozens of volunteers around the country went door to door in efforts to convince Israeli citizens not to vote for Netanyahu face to face. The activity was overseen by fully paid field coordinators. According to assessments, the group's payroll includes dozens of paid staff. The total cost is estimated at 10 million shekels.

The group's objective is to reach more than 150,000 homes before election day.
There's a couple more of these outfits spoken about in the article. These acts are grossly violating campaign laws, and should be protested.

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