Thursday, February 26, 2015


Looks like 3 ISIS supporters were captured before they could go to perform barbarism overseas (Hat tip: The Jawa Report):
Three men were charged on Wednesday with conspiring to support Islamic State, including two who planned to travel to Syria to fight on behalf of the radical group, U.S. authorities said.

One of the men, Akhror Saidakhmetov, 19, of Kazakhstan was arrested early on Wednesday at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York, where authorities said he was attempting to board a flight to Turkey on his way to Syria.

Another defendant, Abdurasul Hasanovich Juraboev, 24, of Uzbekistan, had previously purchased a ticket for a March flight to Istanbul, said Loretta Lynch, U.S. Attorney in Brooklyn.

Abror Habibov, 30, of Uzbekistan, was accused of helping to fund Saidakhmetov's efforts, prosecutors said.

All three men live in Brooklyn.
The jihad sympathisers are turning up everywhere, more and more all the time. Something has to be done to stop them, or to keep them out of civilized countries and ensure they never return if they're already on the outside.

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