Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Yemeni Presidential Palace Seized By Jihadists, Head of Security Calls It a "Coup"

Shia Houthi rebels in Yemen have taken the presidential palace in country's capital Sanaa, witnesses say. 
Col Saleh al-Jamalani, commander of the force that guards President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi, described it as a "coup". 
President Hadi was reported not to be at the presidential palace, but his residence is another part of the city is also said to be under attack. 
Yemen, a key US ally in the fight against al-Qaeda in the region, has seen unrest for months. 
Houthi militias overran Sanaa in September after moving out of their northern Yemen stronghold, but the presidential complex in southern Sanaa had remained outside their control. 
Col Jamalani told AP news agency that the rebels who swept into the complex had been helped by insiders and were looting arm depots in the palace grounds. The rebels abducted President Hadi's chief of staff, Ahmed Awad Bin Mubarak, on Saturday.

A few weeks ago, the Charlie Hebdo offices were attacked by Al Qaeda fighters out of Yemen.

And now this.

Considering all his successes are America's failures, one starts to believe that has been his plan all along.

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