Saturday, January 03, 2015


ISIS is calling on mothers to raise their children on hatemongering straight from the crib:
The Islamic State has released a new guide informing mothers within the caliphate how they should properly raise their babies to be fully prepared to fight in the Muslim extremist jihad.

The publication, called "Sister's Role in Jihad," surfaced online and is designed to encourage mothers to begin training their children at an infant age to take on a radical mindset in order for the kids to be prepared for battle when they reach the appropriate age to join ISIS' fighting ranks, the Daily Mail reports.

The publication, which was translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute in a report they are conducting on the indoctrination of children, asserts that the most important job for women in the ISIS caliphate is indoctrinating their children into Muslim extremism "while they are babies."
This made me think of something: if you raised children on violent television from infancy and told them what you saw on the screen was how life should be led, I think it is perfectly logical they could grow up to be savages. And we shouldn't be surprised if some Islamic regimes do have "TV tactics" for raising children on jihad as much as the Koran itself. That's why I would strongly advise against arguing visual media has no serious impact on youngsters.

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