Wednesday, January 28, 2015


War is brewing on the northern border once again, and it's cost some lives again:
Lebanese militants fired an anti-tank missile at an Israeli military convoy, touching off some of the heaviest clashes in the volatile area where the Syrian, Lebanese and Israeli borders meet since the sides warred in 2006.

Israeli aircraft and artillery pounded positions of the Iranian-backed Hezbollah fighters, who responded by shelling Israeli targets along the frontier, the military said. Spokesman Lieutenant-Colonel Peter Lerner reported casualties without giving details. Al Arabiya television said four Israeli soldiers were killed and a Spanish soldier with the United Nations peacekeeping force in southern Lebanon was caught in the crossfire and died.

The frontier area has been tense since an Iranian general and six Hezbollah fighters were killed Jan. 18 in a suspected Israeli airstrike in Syria. That assault, which Israel has neither confirmed nor denied, heated up the proxy conflict between Israel and Iran, while threatening to plunge Israel and Iranian-sponsored Hezbollah into the kind of all-out war that engulfed them eight years ago.

Israel put the blame on Iran and linked it to nuclear talks between the Islamic Republic and world powers, according to an official who spoke on condition of anonymity because he wasn’t authorized to comment on the record. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned that his military “is prepared to respond forcefully” on all fronts.
There's a video of the attack here. It's obvious the UN doesn't care how this is costing lives of their own contributors, and another reason why they're unreliable.

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