Thursday, January 08, 2015


CBR writer Brigid Alverson either can't get a clue or won't say exactly why:
While the specific motive for the shooting is unclear, Charlie Hebdo has a history of satirizing Islam, and Charbonnier was included on a “most wanted” list published in the Al-Qaeda magazine Inspire. [...]
Gee, hasn't it dawned upon her why? She did say at the end:
The magazine’s offices were firebombed in 2011 when it published an issue “guest-edited” by the Prophet Muhammad. The following week, the magazine responded with a cover image of Muhammad kissing a male Hebdo journalist. In 2012 Charlie Hebdo published cartoons of a naked Muhammad, and in 2013 released a serious cartoon biography of the prophet. News reports at the time noted that Charbonnier had received death threats and was living under police protection.
And yet she provides no clear explanation for the whys: because under Islam, you dare not mock the "prophet".

However, in a followup, she comes close:
That the gunmen reportedly shouted “Allahu Akbar” (“God is great”) and “The Prophet has been avenged” points to the likelihood that the shootings were in retaliation for the several issues of the magazine that carried cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad.
Shouldn't that be "makes clear"? Of course it was in revenge over some mere cartoons that the savages murdered the people at the magazine, yet she seems hesitant to admit that. No wonder comics journalism is as screwed up as regular journalism.

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