Thursday, December 11, 2014

UVA Sex Fantasy and the Rape of Our Nation's Reason

(This post is as much a response to Conservatives who pay attention to this stupid story, as it is to the Leftist maniacs who invented and perpetuate the story in the first place.)

Is this really a story? Is this worthy of being really big news?

We've got a President trying to Federalize the Police. We've got a President who wants a AUMF but doesn't want to tell Congress WHY or WHAT FOR.

We've got riots in the streets. Someone burnt down a major building in Los Angeles.


Why are people talking about this poor, demented young lady who imagined that some boy liked her enough to "rape" her? Because that's what it is IN MY OPINION.

She doesn't get dates, so she reads female erotica, gets turned on, feels bad about it - because her Women's Studies classes tell her she should - and then reports her fantasies as rape to exonerate herself.

The mass media is doing more than carrying water for Obama. They are functioning as a wing of the Democratic party, like Pravda.

The mass media ignores Gruber. And they ignore the fact that our enemies have grown in power and breadth since Obama was sworn in, while our friends have been marginalized.

They ignore Iran. They ignore Russia in Ukraine. And they portary the Police as uniformly racist, in an attempt to stoke a movement they are claiming is even bigger than Occupy Wall Street.,

But, meanwhile, both are Democratic Party and the Leftist media are flopping in term of numbers.

But back to the UVA Rape "story". A friend of mine commented:
Lefties need a safe sandbox to play out their melodrama fantasies in. They seem to have hit upon the notion of a 'campus rape epidemic' recently. I don't understand why, but this idee fixe has captured their fancy so much that reality can't possibly intrude.  
There's definitely a feeling of escapism about it. Nevermind there are actually entire quasi-nations that are practically premised on raping nowadays. No, what's really important is there's a totally-made-up 'crisis' among (mostly) upper middle class white girls attending $40k+/year East Coast universities, supposedly getting raped at a 25% rate that would make the 17th century Tripoli pirates blush.  
 (This is not to say that actual rapes do not occur, of course it happens, bla bla. In fact you probably saw that story about five guys arrested in New Jersey - but did that story capture the fancy of the Campus Rape Epidemic people? Nope. Why? Crap university, and mostly nonwhite perps. Not part of the storyline. Duh)  
 The best analogy I've seen is someone who likened it to the sort of 'hysteria' (irrational, socially-spread behavior among women as a cry for attention) that led to 'witchcraft' charges in places like the early colonies. I think it is becoming a socially-transmitted sickness among some.  
I do feel sorry for that Virginia girl, she does seem to have genuine problems. The whole story is far more lurid and messed-up than just the rape story - fake texts from a made-up boyfriend, etc. It's clearly a rich fantasy delusion she was building up, and she clearly needs help.  
Then again I don't feel *that* sorry, given that genuine harm has now been done to others by these fantasies, in fact it's just sheer luck that worse harm hasn't been done.
The whole thing reminds me of this old song by Helen Reddy. Replace the "radio" with Women's Studies Classes and the Leftist media, and you have the Postmodern version of this old chestnut.

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