Tuesday, December 02, 2014


The prime minister dismissed the two pretentious politicians from his government over some very poor conduct on their part. This could be another instance where elections are around the corner:
Likud officials have lashed out at Finance Minister Yair Lapid (Yesh Atid) on Tuesday, after Lapid accused Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu of wasting money on elections.

"Yair Lapid failed miserably in managing the economy," Likud officials told Arutz Sheva. "He was humiliated and failed in his attempt to lure the hareidi parties into a plot of a putsch against the Prime Minister."

"Lapid continues to lash out, threatening to undermine the government in which he serves while concocting a deal with [Justice Minister] Tzipi Livni - all from old-fashioned and ugly political interests," they continued.

They also explained that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu aims to direct the budget responsibly - funneling funds into programs to boost Israel's security, make the IDF more efficient, and take real steps to lower the cost of living and housing, in their words - "in contrast to Lapid's political budget, which is irresponsibly."

"Lapid prevents the transfer of funds to the security budget, which the IDF needs," they fired, noting the move is "irresponsible."
Interesting. That is a serious flaw on Lapid's part. And he didn't exactly cut back on welfare for Haredis in the past years. Rather, he wanted every draft dodger arrested, when reducing their welfare checks is a more effective way to send a message. Lapid's got other serious flaws, as does Livni, so I won't be feeling sorry for them.

But if the Haredis do enter the coalition, that wouldn't be good at a time when it's better to cut down their bad influence. So new elections may be the best way to go. I just hope people can be convinced not to vote for Shas.

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