Saturday, December 13, 2014


A Muslim woman in Britain has been sent to the clink for encouraging jihadism on the web:
An Isil-obsessed mother-of-six who took pictures of her toddler son holding a toy gun and encouraged parents of children as young as two to put them on the path to jihad has been jailed for more than five years.

Runa Khan, who daydreamed of sending her eight-year-old son to fight jihad when he grew up and told other women to send their men to fight, was jailed for promoting terrorism on Facebook.

The 35-year-old, who was allowed to appear in the dock wearing a niqab with only her eyes visible, revealed her radical views on the social network, encouraging fellow Muslim women to urge their male relatives to fight and posting picture of a suicide vest.

She also praised an article giving tips on how to prepare young children for jihad and unwittingly passed a route to Syria to an undercover police officer.

Khan appeared to glorify the murder of Lee Rigby, while she repeatedly spoke of her desperation to travel to the war-torn country in messages on WhatsApp.

When she was arrested police found a photo of her two-year-old son with a toy assault rifle and a jihadist book on her phone, as well as images of her and her older children holding a sword, Kingston Crown Court heard.

The 35-year-old, from Luton, admitted four charges of disseminating terrorist publications between July and September 2013.

She was jailed for five years and three months.
Such an inhuman creature indeed, and a bad example for women everywhere. Yet we can't even get to see what she looks like under that stupid niqab when everyone should be able to know who she is and make snake eyes at her for the horrors she engaged in online.

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