Friday, December 19, 2014


A bizarre story comes from New England:
A story from New Hampshire reminds us once again that liberals are often willing to commit suicide to prove how liberal they are.

It would be hard to imagine a more ridiculous scenario than a lesbian rabbi making a public stand in favor of adopting Sharia Law as the new ruling principles of any American state, but Rabbi Robin Nafshi of New Hampshire has done just that.

With the type of smug ”I’m a liberal, so I’m smarter than you” hubris only the sickest of liberals can muster, Rabbi Nafshi scolds her fellow Granite Staters in a piece she has curiously titled “The Misguided push to ban Sharia Law.”

Of course, the Rabbi takes an obligatory shot at Republicans as she whines that the final point in their statement of Party principles says, “Take any and all actions possible to protect against the implementation of any part of Sharia Law in New Hampshire, including legislation outlawing Sharia law.”

Her hollow argument makes a comparison between Sharia Law as the Muslim way of life and Halakhah, the Jewish way of life. This idiot must think that Jews cut the heads off homosexuals and blow up non-Jews in belief that doing so will ensure their place in paradise. Sure thing rabbi–not a dime’s with of difference, right?
If she's a Reform, she's one of the dumbest and most revolting in the business, shaming the religion she has no business being part of and shilling for one that would suppress her too. No wonder the Reform movement's collapsing today.

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