Monday, December 01, 2014


The British city of Leicester is the latest to boycott Israeli products. Manfred Gerstenfeld says it's all part of a tactic to draw attention away from Muslim atrocities:
The city council of Leicester, UK, has decided to boycott all Israeli goods. It is a town in which 19% of the population is Muslim. The Labor party completely dominates the city council.[1]

This new event is opening yet another avenue in boycotting Israel. If one looks back into the history of boycotts, the only precedent which comes to mind concerns an occurrence in Norway.

In 2005, the region of Sør Trøndelag, which includes Norway’s third largest city, Trondheim, decided in favor of boycotting Israel. The Norwegian government subsequently informed them that this decision was illegal.[2]
Yet that's one of the few positive things Norway could've done, and they're not doing any better now. In Britain, this is almost par for the course, and Leicester looks like it's on its way to becoming another sharia zone in the UK.

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