Monday, November 24, 2014


The rabbi who was shot by a jihadist at the Begin Center is now leaving the hospital recovered:
Roughly a month after being shot four times at point-blank range by an Arab terrorist in Jerusalem, Temple Mount activist Yehuda Glick is expected to be released from Shaare Tzedek Hospital in the capital on Monday and go home.

Glick has yet to recover completely from the assassination attempt which left him in critical condition, and still has difficulty speaking due to the wounds inflicted on his respiratory system.

In the process of his miraculous recovery, Glick underwent several surgeries in which part of his lung was removed, as well as part of his intestines.

Last Thursday the IDF Homefront Command issued a warning order of two days for the house of Mu'taz Hijazi, the Islamic Jihad terrorist who shot Glick, to be evacuated prior to its demolition. [...]

Recent polls have found a greater desire to visit the Temple Mount among religious Zionist Jews in Israel following the attack.
And by well everyone should pay a visit to the Mount after what that now deceased monster tried to do. That's how a message can be sent.

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