Sunday, November 16, 2014


The terrible documentarian is making things worse by appointing himself one of Islam's useful idiots, and claiming Christianity has done worse. As Richard Butrick says, however:
The followers of the warrior-prophet Muhammad had been waging relentless jihads against the Christian world for 600 years before the Christian world retaliated. They waged brutal conquests and forced subjugation of Christian populations in the Levant. They lay siege to Byzantium for 400 years (7th-11th centuries) – 400 years of the most brutal, vicious, merciless attacks, including attacks on defenseless populations. They subjugated North Africa and conquered Hispania, leaving behind a trail of massacres and relentless persecution. Here is the timeline of Arab-Muslim “conquests.”

The Crusades were retaliation for 600 years of Arab-Muslim assaults on Christendom. Wherein, then, lies the real culpability? As the great Belgian historian Henri Pirenne has put it, "[w]ithout Islam, the Frankish Empire would probably never have existed, and Charlemagne, without Muhammad, would be inconceivable."
It's time for Moore to retire from Hollywood. He's nothing but a lazy excuse for a documentarian who only cares about his own bloated ego.

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