Monday, October 13, 2014

U.N. Sides With Muslim Terrorists Attacking Jews At Western Wall On Sukkot

Muslim "Worshippers" Go To Mosque With Petrol Bombs and Bottle Rockets To Fire At Jews On Sukkot

From the NYT:
JERUSALEM — The secretary general of the United Nations on Monday condemned what he called “provocations” at Jerusalem’s holy sites, hours after the Israeli police said officers had locked Palestinians inside Al Aksa Mosque to thwart a riot as Jews visited for the holiday of Sukkot. 
Scores of officers entered the mosque compound in the Old City of Jerusalem at 7 a.m. on Monday and found “petrol bombs, stones, bottle rockets and fireworks” as well as “masked Palestinians,” according to the police spokesman, Micky Rosenfeld. 
The officers shuttered the mosque with an unknown number of Palestinians inside, Mr. Rosenfeld said, as several hundred Jews and non-Muslim tourists ascended to Al Aksa compound during regular visiting hours, starting at 8 a.m. 
Mr. Rosenfeld said no one was hurt or arrested. Among the visitors was Moshe Feiglin, a right-wing Israeli lawmaker, whose prior pilgrimages to the site have been a focal point for clashes. 
The United Nations secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, said Monday that he was “deeply concerned by repeated provocations at the holy sites in Jerusalem.” 
First in a joint news conference with the Palestinian prime minister in the West Bank city of Ramallah, and later in an appearance here in Jerusalem with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, Mr. Ban said, “These only inflame tensions and must stop.”
Here are the Muslims at the Temple Mount chanting, what I assume to be, more of the typical genocidal slogans:

Here is a narrated EuroNews video of the events that took place. Notice the reason that the muslims are agitated. Because Jews wee ‘allowed’ to go to the Temple Mount.

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