Tuesday, October 14, 2014


What I found irritating about this news of the weird (via The Jewish Press) were the questions they asked about homosexuality:
The National Association of Jewish Orthodox Schools in Great Britain (NAJOS) said it was “appalled” at reports that inspectors from Ofsted, the official body for inspecting schools in England, left young girls “traumatized” after asking them if they had a boyfriend, how babies are made and whether they knew that two men could marry, Jewish News reported.

Apparently, the inspectors also “quizzed the girls on their views about Facebook and queried how they managed without a Smartphone.”

It began with three Jewish schools receiving surprise inspections in recent weeks, including a school in Manchester, where most of the complaints have originated.

NAJOS expressed “grave concerns” following reports from school administrators that Jewish girls “felt bullied into answering inspectors’ questions” and that students and staff have been feeling “traumatized and ashamed.”

NAJOS statement read: “Ofsted inspectors have been asking pupils inappropriate and challenging questions, many of which fall outside the religious ethos and principles at Orthodox Jewish faith schools.”

One 9th grade girl reported feeling “uncomfortable and upset” after inspectors started telling them that a “woman might choose to live with another woman and a man could choose to live with a man, it’s up to them.”

An 11th grade girl said: “They made us feel threatened about our religion. They asked ‘Do you have friends from other religions?’ They asked this many times until we answered what they wanted us to say. We felt very bullied.”

According to the NAJOS statement, in one inspection, 9-year old girls in an Orthodox Jewish primary school were asked whether they know how babies are made and whether they know any gays.

NAJOS director Jonathan Rabson: “This confrontational approach by inspectors is a worrying trend never been seen before in the UK Jewish community. We fear it suggests a shift in policy towards faith schools.”

There has been a growing suspicion in Great Britain, according to Jewish News, that religious schools are being targeted, after news broke this summer of Operation Trojan Horse, an organized attempt by Islamists to covertly co-opt schools in England.
I hope they're not downplaying the seriousness of Islamofascism, because Jews in the UK have been among the biggest victims of it. Asking 9-year-olds to answer queries otherwise inappropriate for youngsters is perverse, and we could see this as little more than an attempt to target the wrong crowds rather than concentrate on sharia creep in the country. The queries the inspectors made about homosexuality were particularly disgusting; just a cheap excuse to force abnormal beliefs upon anyone with rationale. One more sign how pathetic the UK system really is.

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