Thursday, October 23, 2014


Yes, this 2014 election cycle is a contentious one. It's tradition and predates the founding of America!

The Polling by William Hogarth (1697-1764)

From Folger Magazine:
Public fascination with elections is as old as politics itself. In the seventeenth century, the press was increasingly filled with election pamphlets offering advice on whom to vote for and even more importantly whom to oppose.

Printed election material originated in the 1640s, reflecting public interest in the political process, especially in a time of civil war and domestic upheaval. Secrecy surrounding politics had broken down; votes needed to be earned and voters persuaded. Elections became increasingly contested and divided along party lines.

Even voting itself was not a secret process in early modern England. The poll book, at right, published the names of all the voters in London and which candidates and party they voted for in 1710. Each voter was able to cast one vote (indicated at right by a dash) for each of the four seats up for grabs in their constituency. Some crossed party lines, but the vast majority followed a party ticket.
See the rest of the article HERE.

So, carry on.

In less than two weeks will begin the Monday morning quarterbacking, immediately followed by the pontificating about the next election, the 2016 National Election. It's like riding a political carousel.

In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson:
“What you do speaks so loudly I cannot hear what you say.”

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