Monday, October 27, 2014


It sounds like this crackpot - who says he's a 9-11 Truther to boot - did his conversion and promotion deliberately:
A councillor of the French anti-imigrant party Front National (FN) has shocked colleagues by converting to Islam, praising the "visionary" Koran, and sending out a "proselytising" YouTube video calling on others to join.

Maxence Buttey, 22, is one of the youngest of the FN's 1,500 local councillors, however he has now been suspended after his unusual conversion from a member of a party often at odds with Islam, to a member of that faith. Buttey appeared aware of the feathers his move would ruffle, he said: "Some of my voters will be disappointed by my choice, but I'm ready to explain to them that Islam has a mission to unite all men and women", reports the Daily Telegraph.

Buttey admits to being a 9/11 'truther' - someone who doesn't beleive the "official" version of the 2001 attacks, but in justifying his move unusually compared the FN to Islam itself. He said: "Both are demonised and very far from the image portrayed in the media... like Islam, the FN defends the weakest. The party denounces exorbitant interest rates charged on the debt of our country, and Islam is against the practice of usury".
Oh please. The party is against big taxes, I'd figure. If anything, they don't favor sharia finance. And Islam seeks to force the weak to submit and be dependent on its overlords for survival. They're right to suspend him from the party. I wouldn't be surprised if this were all done on purpose to undermine them. His Trutherism is also offensive, and he should be ashamed of himself. I hope they throw him out of the party altogether. France is suffering enough problems as it is, and this creepy act of his is not what any sane person needs.

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