Friday, October 03, 2014


Nir Barkat's rightfully rejected the Obama administration's hostility to a building project announced for eastern Jerusalem:
Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat rejected the White House’s criticism of building housing in a Jewish neighborhood in eastern Jerusalem.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Wednesday that a plan that was granted final approval in December 2012 for the construction of 2,610 housing units in the Jewish eastern Jerusalem neighborhood of Givat Hamatos would “poison the atmosphere” and distance Israel from “even its closest allies.”

“I say this firmly and clearly: building in Jerusalem is not poisonous and harmful – rather, it is essential, important and will continue with full force,” Barkat said in a statement. “I will not freeze construction for anyone in Israel’s capital. Discrimination based on religion, race or gender is illegal in the United States and in any other civilized country.”

Barkat said the apartments in the Givat Hamatos neighborhood “that we approved two years ago will enable more young people from all sectors and religions to live in Jerusalem and build their future here, thereby strengthening the capital of Israel. We will not apologize for that.”
We most definitely should not.

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