Friday, October 10, 2014


Nidal Hasan wants attention again, the hard way. So this time, he sent an offensive letter to Pope Francis at the Vatican, repeating his support for violent jihad (Hat tip: Truth Revolt):
Convicted Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan has written to Pope Francis espousing “jihad,” in his latest correspondence aligning himself with radical Islam.

Despite efforts by the Defense Department to label the 2009 massacre as “workplace violence,” Hasan has described himself several times, and again in the new letter, using the acronym "SoA," or "Soldier of Allah."

Hasan directed his attorney John Galligan to mail the undated, six-page, hand-written letter to the pope. A copy of the letter – titled, "A Warning To Pope Francis, Members Of The Vatican, And Other Religious Leaders Around the World” – was provided by the attorney to Fox News.

Hasan appears to make multiple references to the Koran in the letter, and includes a bulleted list of guidelines for “believers.”

In one subsection titled "Jihad," Hasan praises "The willingness to fight for All-Mighty Allah," describing it as a test that elevates the "mujahadeen" who "are encouraged to inspire the believers." He states that “fighters … have a greater rank in the eyes of Allah than believers who don’t fight."

There is no reference in the letter to the Fort Hood massacre for which Hasan was convicted on 13 counts of premeditated murder, and 31 counts of attempted murder, but no terrorism charges. Hasan currently is on death row at Fort Leavenworth in Kansas.
I think his lawyer should be held accountable for delivering a letter without checking the content. It's against the law to make threats like those, yet Hasan has been allowed to live long enough so he can continue his sick charade in prison. Pure injustice.

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