Thursday, October 16, 2014


Unsurprisingly, the House of Commons voted in favor of supporting a PLO state at Israel's expense:
British lawmakers voted Monday in favor of recognizing Palestine as a state, a symbolic move intended to increase pressure for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Legislators in the House of Commons voted 274 to 12 to support a motion calling on the British government to “recognize the state of Palestine alongside the state of Israel.”

Prime Minister David Cameron and other government leaders abstained, and more than half of the 650 Commons members did not participate in the vote.

But the motion had support from both government and opposition lawmakers, who said it could help kick-start the peace process following a summer war in Gaza that claimed the lives of more than 2,100 Palestinians, the majority civilians, and more than 70 Israelis, most of them soldiers.

Labour Party legislator Grahame Morris said recognizing a Palestinian state could help break the impasse in peace negotiations before it was too late.

Otherwise, he said, “any hope of a two-state solution — the only viable solution — will have disappeared altogether.”
It's already too late, and politicians who turn their backs on Islamic oppression of women cannot be relied upon to handle these kind of issues convincingly.

There has been a voice of sanity in this affair though. Well, almost:
A British lawmaker resigned his parliamentary post to vote against a nonbinding motion recognizing the state of Palestine.

Mike Freer, who represents the heavily Jewish districts of Finchley and Golders Green, resigned as parliamentary private secretary to business minister Nick Boles of the Conservative Party to vote on Monday evening. He was one of 12 lawmakers to oppose the motion, which passed with 274 votes. More than 300 members of the House of Commons did not appear at Parliament to vote on the measure.

Ministers and private secretaries are required by protocol to abstain from votes on motions put forward by the opposition shadow government.
I'm glad Freer understands the job and money aren't everything. But as you'll notice in the following:
“It would have been easy to hide behind the protocol but the two-state solution we all want to see should be the end not start of the process,” Freer told the Jewish News website. “The Government had to follow the protocol but the irony is that I had to resign to support government policy.

“It’s an issue I feel strongly about and it was the right thing to do for my constituents. I’ve been a supporter of Israel and the two-state solution long before getting involved with Finchley and Golders Green. This decision was rooted in my personal beliefs, not just the constituency.”
The guy's still blowing it by perpetuating the 2-state propaganda, bewilderingly enough. Which, unfortunately, throws away much of the impact of his resignation and makes it harder for me to credit him if this is what he thinks makes for logic.

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