Wednesday, October 01, 2014


Some more disturbing information's come out about the Islamic-Haredi cult, further hints they were wallowing in child bridemongering:
Documents from a Sûreté du Québec investigation into the ultra-orthodox Jewish sect Lev Tahor contain an allegation that a 14-year-old married girl was “bought.”

Parts of the affidavit to obtain a search warrant dated Nov. 18, 2013 are redacted. And that includes the portion of text immediately following the allegation about the married girl. It says she had been “bought by a” and the rest of the sentence is blacked out. The identity of who married the girl also isn’t revealed.

The police documents also allege kidnapping of children under the age of 14 from the Lev Tahor community, human trafficking and use of a computer to produce false documents.
There's still more, and it's just as chilling:
Just days before members of the radical Jewish group Lev Tahor fled Quebec for Ontario, child protection authorities received a list containing the names of underaged girls in the community said to have given birth to children fathered by much older men.

[...] The information about possible underage pregnancies and sexual abuse was contained in a new batch of court documents released to media Friday.

The documents contain information about a police investigation into kidnapping and human trafficking charges against the group and were used to obtain a search warrant for Lev Tahor properties in Quebec in November 2013, nearly one year after they had fled to Ontario. None of the allegations about Lev Tahor in the documents have been proven in court.

But the police state that on Nov. 8, 2012, three months after child-protection officials began investigating their concerns about the group, they came into possession of a list of names purported to be underage girls who had given birth to children with men over the age of 18 years old, which, if true, could be a violation of the Criminal Code.
This is telling something. If the men involved were adults and married underaged girls and impregnated them, that makes the men guilty of pedophilia/statutory rape. One more reason why this sickening cult must be stopped.

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