Saturday, October 04, 2014


Breitbart London reports that Austria appears to be taking steps for the better:
Just two years after a lavish ceremony to celebrate the centenary of Austria’s “model” law on Islam, the law is set to be overhauled to ban Muslims from receiving foreign funding and pave the way for a standardised German language version of the Koran. Muslim groups in Austria have expressed disappointment that their government was bowing to “blanket suspicion and mistrust” of the Muslim community.

Muslims make up 6 percent of Austria’s population, and are the second largest religious grouping, after Roman Catholics, in Vienna. Until recently the community enjoyed good relations with their neighbours, but governmental reports on the rise of Islamic militancy have caused nationalist parties to gain ground in the polls in recent months. Around 140 Austrians are understood to have travelled to Syria and Iraq to fight as jihadis, according to Reuters.

“The clear message should be that there is no contradiction between being a faithful Muslim and a proud Austrian,” Foreign Affairs and Integration Minister Sebastian Kurz has told reporters. “If you don't have orderly legal regulation ... this can always bring dangers (of extremism). In this sense, if you like this is maybe a part of prevention.”

Sharia law has “no place here,” he added.

The amended law will prohibit Muslim organisations from receiving foreign funding. One-off grants, such as money left in a will, will be allowed but only if the management of assets is handled in Austria, The Local has reported.
Finally, it looks like a country that tried to conceal its nazi ties during WW2 and made things worse with their support for Islam is going to set a better example by modifying their laws so that Islamists can't exploit money for evil goals as easily as before.

It'll be interesting to see what publishing a German-language version of the Koran leads to. Will people be able to read and learn what the content is like? Good question.

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