Wednesday, October 22, 2014


A sick tragedy occurred near Ammunition Hill:
A three-month-old infant who was critically injured when a car rammed into civilians near a light rail station in Jerusalem, died of her wounds on Wednesday night.

The baby was rushed to Mount Scopus' Hadassah Medical Center but medical officials announced her death after resuscitation attempts failed.
The culprit, unsurprisingly, was a Hamas member:
The Arab driver has now been confirmed (7:40 pm IST) to have been resident of the Shiloach/Silwan neighborhood and a member of Hamas - and to have served in Israeli prison before for terrorism, according to Police Spokesperson Micky Rosenfeld. [...]

Meanwhile, police and politicians are beginning to react to the attack. Blame is being put, as has throughout the past several months, on Internal Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovich and the Israel Police, specifically Commissioner Yohanan Danino.
Mayor Nir Barkat blamed them for not taking sufficient measures to defend the city:
"We must restore peace to Jerusalem - as I said for months, the situation in Jerusalem is intolerable and we must be acting unequivocally against the violence taking place in the city," Barkat stated.

Progress with Danino and Aharonovich had stalled so much that he turned directly to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to stop the "silent intifada."

"Now it is clearer than ever that the police must be put into Arab neighborhoods where there are disturbances, that checkpoints must be established, and that a significant presence must be felt," Barkat added.

"At my request, the Prime Minister has instructed to reinforce the police to be able to operate and carry out operations against rioting, including the addition of personnel and special units, using new technology, and increasing intelligence," he continued. "I'll continue to be vigilant and will not rest until security returns to Jerusalem."
Aharonovich and Danino should be fired if they continue to fail on their part. They owe an apology to a lot of people, and have much explaining to do.

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