Thursday, September 04, 2014


THE ANCHORESS: Do The Rapes of Rotherham Tell a Tale of Conquest? “One of the terrible after-effects of invasion and war has been the subjugation of the women, the rape of wives and daughters, the seed of the conqueror, inserted into a culture and a society — yet another tactic meant to subdue and eradicate. And yet, there has been no old-fashioned ‘invasion’ and no ‘war’ in the southern part of Yorkshire. This conquering was invited, and it was invited throughout Europe, where Rotherham will be discovered to have been replicated. Why wouldn’t it be? Who in Europe would dare to prosecute?” 

When you have a ruling class that dislikes the nation it rules, the invitations will be issued, and the prosecutions will be foregone.

Glenn wrote, "...a ruling class that dislikes the nation it rules...". 

MORE ACCURATELY, it is a global ruling class that hates its own culture and civilization.

Postmodern leftism dictates that Judeo-Christian culture and Western Civilization are evil - that they are responsible for most of history's genocide, AGW - which threatens life on earth, Third World poverty, and hetero/caucasian sexual repression of humanity's true polymorphous sexuality.

ALL of these are demonstrably false, but the POMO left persists in their belief as it is now a religious sect and no longer merely a political POV.

The POMO left is as big a threat as islamo-extremism. In fact - because they are constantly serving the same goal, we cannot defeat the islamo-extremist until we first defeat the POMO left.

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