Sunday, September 07, 2014


A followup to the horror that took place last in year in Woolwich took place in London:
Details have begun to emerge about the man arrested for the murder of a great grandmother beheaded in her back garden.

He was named locally as Nicholas Salvadore, a 25-year-old would-be cage fighter who is believed to be a Muslim convert, who had been living a few doors from 82-year-old Palmira Silva.

Salvadore was under arrest and under armed guard in hospital today after the events in a street in north London yesterday. Detectives say they have ruled out terrorism as a motive.

Italian-born Mrs Silva, who owned a local café in Edmonton with her son Tony for more than 30 years, was found dead in the back garden of her home in Nightingale Road yesterday. Neighbours said a man dressed in black had decapitated cats with a foot-long machete-like blade and smashed the window of a car before running through rear gardens banging on doors and windows.

[...] Locals claimed Salvadore had converted to Islam last year.
And they'll just keep on acting like there's no connections between the two obscenities; note how they've already dismissed terrorism as a motivation. So it's clear nothing will come of this case either.

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