Monday, September 29, 2014


  • Obama was surprised by the awful Obamacare rollout.
  • Obama was surprised by ISIS.
  • Obama was surprised by Putin's Crimean invasion.
  • Obama was surprised by Fast N Furious.
  • Obama was surprised by the IRS Scandal.
  • Obama was surprised by the V.A. Scandal.
  • Obama was surprised there really were no "shovel ready jobs".
  • Obama was surprised Rev. Jeremiah Wright supported Hamas and blamed the USA for 9/11.
  • Obama was surprised that al Qaeda attacked our most vulnerable State Dept. outpost in Libya on the anniversary of 9/11.
The only thing Obama isn't surprised by is the fact that most of his failures aren't covered by the press.

I hope this nation survives until we can get a president who isn't surprised by events but actually anticipates them and has effective contingencies in place.

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