Wednesday, September 24, 2014


The IDF found them holed up in a Hebron building, where they opened fire on soldiers, and gunned them down as they deserved:
Israeli forces found and killed the two main Palestinian suspects behind the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teens earlier in the summer, after a several month manhunt, Israeli officials said Tuesday morning.

Marwan Kawasme and Amer Abu Aysha were both killed during an early Tuesday arrest attempt in Hebron, the Israel Defense Forces said in a statement.

The operation was carried out by the Shin Bet along with IDF soldiers and troops from the Yamam police anti-terror unit, after the security establishment received information on the whereabouts of the two suspects from Hamas members arrested earlier, a Shin Bet statement said.

At around 3 a.m., the forces descended on the house where the suspects were believed to be hiding and began firing heavily on the home. Both were killed after refusing to surrender.

“We opened fire, they returned fire and they were killed in the exchange,” IDF spokesperson Lt. Col. Peter Lerner told Reuters. “We have visual confirmation for one. The second one, we have no visual confirmation, but the assumption is he was killed.”
Deservedly so. The Hamas are tragically celebrating these "martyrs" of theirs and show no regret for their evil. But for now, justice has fortunately been delivered, and the two repulsive turds have been punished and sent to hell for their crimes.

Update: here's a related letter by a rabbi in the Jerusalem Post.

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