Friday, September 05, 2014


Haaretz published some history on the Haredi cult that borrows from Islam for how women dress, and along the way, reveals just where overlord Shlomo Helbrans got his anti-Israel standings from:
As for religious doctrine, Helbrans picks and chooses from different streams of Jewish sects, accepting certain traditions from the Hasidim, the Misnagdim, and Mizrahim, from which he arbitrates the most appropriate practices. The core of his doctrine is that of the extremely pious Satmar Hasidic sect, taken to the extreme.

Apocalyptic prophesies

The group’s leader, Helbrans was born in 1962 as Erez Shlomo Elbarnes. He was raised by secular parents in Jerusalem, but "found religion" during his teens and left to study at yeshiva.

After moving between different ultra-Orthodox schools, he found himself in the Satmar sect. He also adopted the anti-Zionist Satmar ideology, which is why he changed his name to Shlomo Helbrans, shedding the Zionist name Erez and taking a more diaspora spelling of his last name.
I see, his influence came from the worst possible sources, and he took that and ran it further into the ground by adopting Muslim-style beliefs for the women in his sick cult. As noted before, some of his subjects were once secular themselves. And as I've wondered before, how many leftists became Haredi, associating themselves with the worst of sects? The Satmar caused enough problems for Israel, and now, this is one of the results of their indoctrine.

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