Friday, September 05, 2014


Women in India are speaking out about Muslim seducers:
Conservative Hindu activist Chetna Sharma looked sternly at her audience of more than 40 young Hindu women gathered in the living room of a rural home and issued a warning: Muslim men would try to trick them into marriage and force them to convert to Islam.

Given a chance, Muslim men would force a woman "to have two or three children and then leave her, or rape her, or throw acid on her if she resists, or murder her," she said. "You can't even imagine what can happen if you don't protect yourself from love jihad."

Right-wing Hindu organizations and politicians have mounted a high-profile drive against "love jihad," which they paint as a dark, international conspiracy aimed at eroding Hindus' demographic dominance in India by brainwashing Hindu women.
We've already got a similar problem in Israel, even a case of Jewish women who deliberately convert to Islam, like this one did, and the most annoying part is how an anti-conversion group conducted their reaction. Jewish women, just like Hindu women, have to learn to be careful and realize why it's not worth marrying Muslims.

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