Saturday, August 16, 2014


From Mediaite:
If it seems like the African-American community in Ferguson, Missouri is not crazy about Governor Jay Nixon (R-MO), a move he made as attorney general back in the early 1990s could be part of the problem. As the Washington Post’s Philip Bump reported this week, one year after becoming Missouri’s attorney general in 1992 Nixon filed a motion to end St. Louis’ school desegregation program, claiming it was not cost effective.
There's just one problem with that report. Jay Nixon is not a Republican.
In 2008, after incumbent Republican Governor Matt Blunt announced he would not seek reelection, Nixon declared his candidacy for Governor of Missouri, won the Democratic primary, and faced Representative Kenny Hulshof in the general election. On November 4, 2008, Nixon defeated Hulshof and was elected Governor. Nixon was sworn in on January 12, 2009.

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