Thursday, August 21, 2014


Another rocket attack was launched, but what's really angering here is that the Israeli government would choose to "negotiate" with them over in Egypt to broker a cease fire. First, here's what was said at the Knesset:
Israeli politicians across the political spectrum are calling for a tougher response to Hamas, following a barrage of rockets launched at southern and central Israel on Tuesday, in violation of the temporary cease-fire agreement that had been in place.

"When you negotiate with a terrorist organization, you get more terrorism in return," said Economy and Trade Minister Naftali Bennett (Habayit Hayehudi). "Sooner or later, Israel will have to defeat Hamas."

Housing and Construction Minister Uri Ariel (Habayit Hayehudi) shared Bennett's sentiments, saying, "We must attack our enemy Hamas until we achieve victory. I support the prime minister and the security forces in responding to the terrorists with a heavy blow and restoring security to Israeli citizens. There is no way we will cease as they fire."

Opposition Leader Isaac Herzog (Labor) criticized the government's attempts to reach a long-term deal through negotiations thus far, also suggesting a need for a tougher approach to Hamas.

"It is the prime minister's job to provide security and calm to residents of the south," he said. "If, as the prime minister claims, Hamas has been defeated, then he should reach a diplomatic deal under the best terms possible for Israel. But, if the government buckles to provide a false sense of quiet, as we experienced today [Tuesday] -- this indicates a failure on the part of a weak government."
Netanyahu did a fine job giving a leftist politician a weapon with which to slam him. Until now, they had a valid complaint against foreign governments like Britain's associating with Hamas. Now they've damaged that objection by having anything to do with them over in Egypt. I'm sorry, but that was defeatism. And if they want to rectify the damage, they'll have to start raining down hard on Hamas now until it's destroyed.

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