Friday, August 01, 2014


At the same time a ridiculous "cease-fire" was declared by sources other than Israel, it's been discovered a soldier may have been kidnapped:
An Israeli soldier is feared captured near Rafah, Israeli media reported, and a cease-fire collapsed in its first hours.

The army spokesman said the soldier there is a suspicion that the soldier was captured during exchanges of fire between Hamas militants and Israeli troops on Friday in the southern Gaza Strip. His family has been informed, the spokesman’s office said.

Multiple Israeli media also reported that Israeli officials have told U.N. officials that Israel considers the cease-fire ruptured.

The suspected abduction occurred when gunmen opened fire on IDF troops in the southern Gaza Strip city. The army is conducting extensive searches and efforts to resolve the situation, army sources told the Ynet news site.

Israel Radio quoted Moussa Abu Marzouk, a Hamas official based in Cairo, as saying that the group was holding a an officer and that he was captured before the cease-fire’s 8 a.m. start.
What cease-fire was there, ever? This kidnapping, if it took place, was indeed an act of war and should get a response accordingly.

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