Friday, August 15, 2014


A kindergarten in Britain pulled a most offensive act (Hat tip: The Jawa Report):
24-year-old Yasmin Jackson sent Amari to her first day at the new nursery with a chicken salad sandwich for her lunch.

But when she picked her up from Kingswood Day Care Nursery, in Mitcham, south west London at the end of the day, the youngster complained about being hungry.

When I asked Amari if she'd had a good day at school, the first thing she said was 'is it time for me to have my packed lunch yet, mummy? I'm so hungry.'

I thought it was a bit strange, but maybe the staff had forgotten I'd told them she had a lunch. But the manager told me that it was against school policy for kids to bring in their own food.

I asked if it was because the food might be unhealthy, and then told her that the food I had made for my daughter was healthy. She told me it was because they didn't know if the chicken was Halal, and didn't want it poisoning other children.
But starving other children whose lunch doesn't meet their disgusting requirements is allowed? This is practically child abuse, even from a psychological viewpoint. It's bad enough there's some schools in the USA that require children to eat food that may not be healthy let alone tasty. This is possibly worse.

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