Tuesday, August 19, 2014


The IDF has destroyed/sealed off the houses of the terrorists who murdered the 3 yeshiva students:
IDF forces demolished the homes of the two Hamas terrorists suspected of the kidnapping and murder of three Israel youth in June in Hebron late Sunday.

The army announced the completion of the operation on Monday. Forces also sealed off the home of a third suspect who took part in the attack.

Security forces blew up the homes of Hussam Kawasme, the mastermind of the attack, and Amer Abu Aysha, who is suspected of carrying out the kidnapping and murder of the three youth. The home of Marwan Kawasme, the accomplice of Abu Aysha, was sealed off.

“We are determined in bringing the ruthless murderers of Gilad, Eyal and Naftali to justice,” IDF spokesman Lt.-Col. Peter Lerner stated on Monday.

“The demolition of the terrorists’ homes conveys a clear message to terrorists and their accomplices that there is a personal price to pay when engaging in terror and carrying out attacks against Israelis,” he added.
It most certainly does, and delivers something for their relatives to think about too. The only home the terrorists deserve is an isolated cell in prison.

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