Tuesday, July 08, 2014


Another long range missile was fired, and thankfully prevented from causing damage:
The Iron Dome rocket defense system intercepted a projectile over Tel Aviv on Tuesday evening. No injuries or damage were reported.

Israeli television showed a double-burst of smoke in skies above Tel Aviv after air raid sirens sounded, sending residents running for shelter.

The Code Red siren sounded in all of Gush Dan, including the central Israeli cities of Petah Tikva, Lod and Givatayim.

It was the first Gaza rocket that reached Tel Aviv since Operation Pillar of Defense in 2012. [...]

Since midnight Tuesday, more than 30 rockets fired from the Gaza Strip have exploded in Israel.

Terrorists in Gaza have launched more than 250 projectiles at Israel in recent weeks.
If the IDF doesn't raid Gaza by land, there's every chance that the next missile fired by the Hamas will cause disaster. So the IDF had better start getting serious about defeating the Hamas already.

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