Saturday, July 19, 2014

Pope Francis demands justice for 1994 Argentine Jewish centre attack victims

The biggest bomb attack on Argentine soil killed 85 people and injured another 300. The Jewish community in Argentina - the most numerous in Latin America - said there was enough evidence to show that Iran planned and financed the attack against Amia and that the militant group, Hezbollah, carried it out. Argentine prosecutors accused Iran and Hezbollah in 2006. Eight suspects were named, including former Iranian Defence Minister, Gen Ahmed Vahidi. But no arrests have been made. ... 
 Pope Francis has demanded justice for the victims of a bomb attack against a Jewish centre in Buenos Aires exactly 20 years ago. 
In a recorded video to mark the anniversary, the Pope described the attack as an "act of madness". 
Eighty-five people were killed in the attack, which was masterminded by Iran, according to Argentine courts. Iran denies any involvement.
Last year, Iran and Argentina agreed to set up a truth commission. 
Pope Francis said the suffering of the families cannot be forgotten. He was the auxiliary bishop of Buenos Aires at the time. 
"My prayers for all the victims are accompanied today by my call for justice. Justice must be done," he said. "And may God give peace to all of those who died in this act of madness."

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  1. Sean Hannity's Strongest-Yet Indictment of Barack Obama - Video:
