Friday, July 25, 2014


Pundits claim that Obama is bored . . . he spends his time playing golf, while the world erupts in flames . . . . he attends pricey fundraisers with lefty fat cats while his domestic legislative agenda withers on the vine . . . they think he has given up . . .

They're missing the point.

There's no need for Obama to spend any time at all on foreign policy.  Remember when he told Dmitri Medvedev to tell Vladimir how flexible he would be in his second term?  Now we see the results.  Obama is happy letting Vladimir Putin and the Muslim Brotherhood take care of the rest of the world for him.  He's been content to turn Libya, Egypt, and Iraq over to the Muslim Brotherhood . . .  well, the Egyptian army took Egypt away from his buddies, but they may get Syria after all . . . and what he described as the most beautiful sound in the world, the morning call of the adhan from the minaret, now sounds sweetly in Mosul, without any more competition from Christian church bells . . . . how happy that must make a man who was raised from childhood to hate Americans . . . . whom his mother denounced as not her people . . . .

As for his legislative agenda, there is none anymore.  All he wants from Congress is continuing resolutions and spending bills.  There's no need for Obama to waste any more time talking to Congress . . . . he never liked doing it anyway, and there's nothing for him to gain there any more.

The midterms don't bother him a bit.

He's going to singlemindedly pursue his cherished lifelong goals: fundamentally transforming the United States of America into a socialist paradise.  And he's going to do it by executive actions alone.

While you were thinking he was inept, incompetent, stupid, and ineffectual, he has successfully damaged this country more severely than any foreign enemy has ever managed.

There is no border anymore.  He took it down all by himself.  The immigration laws of this country no longer exist, and any terrorist or criminal who wants to come across from Mexico is welcome.

He will ignore District Court and Supreme Court decisions that go against him, and continue by executive orders to dismantle the domestic energy industry, cripple America's health care providers, and turn the educational system into a machine for socialist indoctrination.  He will continue to print money and debase the currency, taxing savers and investors by making their capital vanish into inflationary air.

And as long as our corrupt Representatives and Senators continue to supply him with the spending bills to do it, there will be no brakes on an engine that is now hurtling over a cliff from which there can be no easy turning back.

Impeachment will accomplish nothing to repair the damage that he has already done . . .  and will have done by the time an impeachment process went through.

I have long thought that the perfumed princes of the Pentagon were just as liberal, just as politically correct, just as socialist-lite as the rest of the sycophants and trough-guzzlers in Washington.  But some of the comments that are leaking out from the mouths of several high-ranking officers make me think that there may be a few patriotic generals and admirals left in this country.

Will it take a military coup and a caretaker government to restore the Constitution? . . . . That would come with a lot of pain, too.

But the America of the Constitution, of the Declaration, is dying . . . . slowing being choked to death by traitors in high places. It may be too late to save her at all . . . . and the process of saving her will be very unpleasant to live through . . . . living through her demise however will be hell.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed. At the root.. battle of evil vs good. Who is on The Lords side... We see this with the slaughter of Christians. IRS now cracking down on churches. We must Stand Our Ground! Thanks for your post.. Passing it along.
