Wednesday, July 02, 2014


As if things weren't bad enough now, a riot broke out in the Beit Hanina/Shuafat neighborhood over the death of an Arab child who may have actually been murdered by his own, but the Islamists are accusing Jews of committing the crime as revenge for the deaths of the yeshiva students. A Jerusalem councilman's explained the real picture:
Jerusalem Councilman Aryeh King, who is responsible for security in Jerusalem, stated to Arutz Sheva on Wednesday that he is not surprised at the chaos continuing in Arab neighborhoods.

"We visited Shuafat this morning, and what we have long feared has been realized," King said. "We have virtually no control, it's just the collapse of a containment policy. We had neighborhoods this morning that looked like Jabaliya and Shechem."

King stated that the problem is lack of a police presence.

"We have called for years to properly establish a police station there, which in practice never happened," King said. "The policy was that police would only go there when there was an incident; in practice, this does not work."

King also said that the murder of 16-year-old Mohammed Abu Khder - which experts and recent reports increasingly say was the result of family tensions, not nationalism - was planned specifically to incite unrest.
That's what I'd guessed too. It was most likely an inside job. Unfortunately:
Meanwhile, the Palestinian Authority (PA), US and international media continue to claim that the murder was nationalistically-motivated, despite little to no evidence of that fact and very little evidence available about the murder at all.
They have no interest in the real picture. I have no doubts they were hoping something like this would happen too.

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