Sunday, July 06, 2014


The investigation into the murder of the young Israeli woman named Shelly Dadon has revealed that she was indeed murdered out of Muslim anti-semitism (via Front Page Magazine):
In a dramatic development Sunday, police have announced that the murder of 20-year-old Afula resident Shelly Dadon has been solved.

Police and the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) arrested a taxi driver from the Arab village of Iblin in the Galilee, on suspicion that he carried out the murder for "nationalistic" reasons.

The suspect, named as 38-year-old Hassin Yousef Hassin Khalifah, subsequently confessed under police interrogation to committing the murder, and even reconstructed the crime for police.

Shelly Danon left her home to Migdal Ha'emek on May 1 for a job interview. A few hours later, her body was found in a parking lot in Migdal Ha'emek.

According to the Shin Bet, Khalifah picked his victim up when she hailed his taxi to take her to a job interview in the industrial zone of Migdal Ha'emek. He then stabbed Dadon to death, and fled in his taxi to dispose of the body.
So now it turns out this specific horror was indeed an act of jihadism. The man must be given a smashing punishment for his vile crime. It should be noted that the police have been accused by the Dadon family of hushing up the exact motives of the Islamofascist, and if they did, that was wrong and shameful.

The Dadon family's paid a condolence visit to the families of the 3 murdered yeshiva students.

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