Sunday, July 06, 2014


There are reports now that the culprits in the murder of Mohammed Abu Khdeir were Jewish - something the world press no doubt is hoping for. If indeed they were, it's an absolute outrage, since, whether they think so or not, the culprits did an enormous disservice to Israel and fueled more anti-semitism. Ben Shapiro's spoken about this last week, and said:
Should it turn out that Jews did perform this disgusting atrocity, the State of Israel will find, prosecute, and give the harshest possible penalty to the perpetrators. That in and of itself destroys any attempted moral equivalence between Israel and her enemies, given that the Hamas-unity government itself stands behind the murder of the three Jewish boys, that the Hamas-unity government propagandized in celebration of their kidnappings and deaths, and that Palestinians celebrated their deaths.
And he's got more this week on the issue too, noting that, no matter what Israel does to bring the perpetrators to justice, the world won't care, and will continue to view Israel and the so-called palestinians using moral equivalence.

Rabbi Elyakim Levanon said that the culprits should receive the death sentence. I have to admit he's got a point - if that's what it takes to send a message that, if you tarnish Israel's image that badly, you'll pay a heavy price.

However this turns out, there may be a lesson here, that we can't underestimate the potential that Jews could commit violent crimes like this one, and that proper education is badly needed to prevent such acts in the future.

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