Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Tom Wilson at Commentary says European governments may be waking up to the violent Islamofascism that's taking a toll on European Jewry and even non-Jews in the continent:
For the second weekend running European cities witnessed a surge of hateful, and in places violent, anti-Israel protests. With the temper of these gatherings becoming so alarmingly extreme, European governments may now be waking up to a problem that has been festering in parts of their societies for quite some time. Yet as they attempt to make sense of this growing source of public disorder, one wonders whether Europe’s political elites will reflect upon their own role in manufacturing this fiercely anti-Israel atmosphere.
Absolutely correct. In fact, some French media outlets are government-owned, including Le Monde, the second TV channel, and even the AFP. The BBC is also government-owned, and there's probably a couple other newspapers in Britain under the same status. It's that precise ownership that allows them to get away with such incitement more than many others. I don't know if selling them to private ownerships would help, but at least it would be a step towards what Americans call limited government, and it could help built better jobs, depending on what companies buy into these newscasters.

And the governments in Europe, if they're really concerned, are going to have to address their own roles here, and have to be confronted about it seriously, to see if they're willing to admit they're capable of making mistakes. Only that way will it be possible to make some repairs in Europe, yet it's certain there's a lot of damage that'll take ages to mend.

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