Tuesday, June 03, 2014


Against Israel's wishes and in a full show of his true colors, Mahmoud Abbas has set up a unity government with Hamas. But there's two different reactions being reported:
Israel says it will shun the new government because it is backed by Hamas, which is seen by the West as a terror group because it killed hundreds of Israelis in attacks over the years. Abbas says his new Cabinet has accepted three conditions set out in the past by the U.S. and Europe for dealing with any Palestinian government — recognizing Israel, renouncing violence and adhering to previous agreements.

The Obama administration said Monday it intends to work with the new Palestinian government and will continue sending aid. Secretary of State John Kerry called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to relay the U.S. position.

The European Union has said it welcomes unity and will maintain support for a government that meets the three conditions.
No surprise the latter two would maintain such limp positions, and take taqqiya at complete face value.

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