Friday, June 20, 2014


A former guard at an Israeli prison brought up what the Muslim inmates do to younger Arabic prisoners behind bars:
Shuki Blass, a nationalist journalist-blogger and an IDF reservist who has served as a guard in the Ofer military jail, said Thursday that the decision to remove televisions from terror prisoners' cells as part of punitive measures against the Hamas terrorist movement will indeed inconvenience the prisoners and should not be taken as a light measure.

But in a Facebook post, he hinted very broadly that prisoners also routinely sexually abuse minors in their tents and that this undeclared "privilege" should also be denied them.

"Without any cynicism and based on the experience of a single reserve stint at the Ofer jail, taking the televisions out of the terrorists' cells, especially during the World Cup, is the harshest sanction to be slapped on them until now.

"The next sanctions that should have been slapped on them, with no connection to the current ones, are an end to cooking inside the cells (in case you wondered how they once spilled boiling oil on a warden) and an end to passing around minors from tent to tent (and some people will understand what I am referring to)."

The abuse of fellow Arab prisoners for sex by imprisoned terrorists is a well known phenomenon in the "tent cities" that make up many of the jails for security prisoners. The tents are under constant supervision from guard towers and the activity does not pass unnoticed.

The details of the "harsher" prison conditions, which the Security Cabinet gave Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovich a freer hand to impose on jailed Hamas terrorists in a decision Tuesday, were divulged Wednesday.

Officials said that the new conditions include the removing of television sets from the cells, the end of purchases from the jail's canteen, and no more free newspapers.

The prisoners currently buy large quantities of food from the canteen, and the cutback will make their prison terms less of a gourmet experience.

Other measures include the limiting of visiting hours for jailed terrorists. A portion of the more serious offenders will no longer enjoy family visits at all.

Released terrorists have revealed on Palestinian Authority (PA) official TV how they enjoyed a life of ease in Israeli prisons. They have also, in the past, been allowed to pursue a university degree by taking academic courses.
After the horrible kidnappings this past week, that's why confiscating privileges would be a much better way to deal with those cannibals. This article also reveals the bizarre double-standard Islam has on homosexuality - male-on-male sexual violence is a form of homosexuality, of course, and abusing children in this manner is one of the far more acceptable forms of homosexual practice under Islam. The younger prisoners should be separate from the older ones but still placed under severe incarceration steps.

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