Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Boy, this is sad stuff:
The country in the world most faithful to the values of the Koran is Ireland according to an Iranian-born academic at George Washingon University in the US. Next are Denmark, Sweden and the UK.

In a BBC interview, Hossein Askari, Professor of International Business and International Affairs at George Washington University said a study by himself and colleague Dr Scheherazde S Rehman, also rates Israel (27) as being more compliant with the ideals of the Koran than any predominantly Muslim country.
If that were so, it would be to the detriment of Israel, and is. Here's a bit more of this propagandist's taqqiya:
Askari, an Iranian native, noted that Muslim countries used religion as a tool for control.

"We must emphasize that many countries that profess Islam and are called Islamic are unjust, corrupt, and underdeveloped, and in fact are not 'Islamic' by any stretch of the imagination," Askari said last November.
Which is a lie, of course. Islam is all about control and other forms of totalitarianism, and that man himself is a tool, misleading people about the Koran and Hadith while insulting Israel at the same time. We could do without these taqqiya tools plying their unintelligent trade.

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