Saturday, June 14, 2014


In Britain, the Holocaust Educational Trust is joining boycotts of sharia supporters in Brunei:
The Holocaust Educational Trust has relocated its annual dinner from the Dorchester hotel as calls to boycott the venue grow.

The charity said it was fundamentally at odds with the repressive Sharia laws introduced by Dorchester owner the Sultan of Brunei in the south east Asia kingdom.

HET’s fundraising event will instead be moved to a new venue.

Brunei ruler Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah announced the implementation of Sharia punishments in April. They will include the severing of limbs for theft and the death sentence for gay people and adulterers.

Karen Pollock, HET chief executive, said: “Although the team at the Dorchester have always been nothing less than wonderful to work with, our position as a charity promoting tolerance and fighting prejudice in all forms is fundamentally at odds with the implementation of repressive and anti-egalitarian laws in Brunei.

“For that reason we cannot see how we can hold an event from which the Sovereign Wealth Fund and the Sultan of Brunei would benefit.”
While I'm glad they're ceasing all connections with a hotel that's apparently owned by the sultan, it's still scary to think they'd be maintaining relations years before, as though nothing was wrong with the country's dominant religion. And weren't they aware of Islam's role in the Holocaust? They should know better than to associate themselves with belief systems that practically influenced the nazis during WW2, who were, in a way, running their own forms of sharia at the time.

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