Sunday, June 08, 2014


In an article about the number of books published in Israel last year, the following revelation was made:
Autobiographies ruled the nonfiction category, with 299 published in Israel in 2013. History was also popular, with 173 books on Jewish history debuting in 2013. It appeared that Israelis were reading less about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: 76 books on the issue were published in 2013, compared to 124 in 2012.
I'd figure the reason less people are interested in that now is because it's all built upon lies intended to delegitimize Israel. If the books in question were dishonest, why should anybody want to read about those? It'd be much better if books were published emphasizing the Jewish rights to the land of Israel as a whole, and stressing how, as Golda Meir made clear, there was never a palestinian people of Arab/Muslim background.

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