Thursday, May 29, 2014


This isn't the same woman who was sentenced to death in Somalia for apostasy, but it's still a very obscene tragedy that took place:
The husband of the pregnant woman stoned to death in broad day light outside a court in Lahore, has said that police were present during the time of the incident, but they simply stood by as his wife was brutally murdered by the mob.

In the incident, first reported by Reuters on Tuesday, nearly 20 members of Farzana's family, including her father and brothers, attacked her and her husband Mohammad Iqbal with batons and bricks.

The death has been dubbed as "honour killing" as she had married the man she loved without the consent of her family, police said, according to Reuters.

Police have reported that Farzana, who was three months pregnant, was killed in the attack, with a group of onlookers doing nothing to save her.

In a shocking revelation Wednesday, Iqbal -- the husband of the woman who was killed -- said that even the Police were among those who stood by watching the broad daylight brutality.
Of all the worst examples of Kitty Genovese Syndrome, this sticks out as one of the most repulsive. The police are doubtless Muslims themselves, so it shouldn't be surprising they'd stand by in full approval.

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