Friday, May 30, 2014


A warning that this heinous form of violence isn't over yet:
The incident began at 10 a.m., when Border Police officers stationed at the roadblock at Tapuach Junction identified a man wearing an oversized coat approaching them. The coat aroused officers’ suspicion since it was a particularly hot day. In keeping with routine protocol, they asked the man to remove his coat from a distance.

The man, a Nablus resident in his 20s, refused at first, but ultimately confessed to carrying explosives. The suspect was subdued and taken to Shin Bet security agency facilities for interrogation. No one was hurt in the incident.

According to experts, the device was made up of 12 pipe bombs strung together. The sappers also confiscated a mobile phone suspected to have been programmed to trigger the explosives.
They're very lucky they thwarted a potential abomination without any deaths or injuries. Here's another report. This is clear proof the mindset and compulsion for committing suicide bombings still lurks out there in the Islamofascist crowd.

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